Thursday 26 May 2016

Guide: Setting Up Your Own Outdoor Lighting Garden

You have finished up your landscaping and it looks mesmerizing with all the flowers and various types of plants during the day. But in the evening, there're only a few lights near to the entryway and the door. Something seems to be missing. An appropriate outside lighting to show your wonderful yard during the night ! You can use a variety of outdoor lighting apparatuses to accentuate the sight of your back yard. Outdoor lighting that requires the best effort to install is 120 volt lighting. Wiring for these types of garden lights must be covered at a depth of 18 inches or encased in conduit to protect it from water.

Thursday 19 May 2016

Easy Ways to Improve Your Lawn

This is one of the most important perspectives to grow the ideal lawn. Distinctive soils, grasses and areas all require different degrees of watering as do seasonal changes. If you need your grass to flourish, you have to give enough water to reach down to the roots. There is a fine line between over and under watering. An excessive amount of water will deliver weeds, while under watering will result in dry patches and spots. So check your sprinkler system to ensure 'even watering amounts' that cover the entire lawn and which reaches down to the roots.

Thursday 12 May 2016

Get The Best Landscapers Within Your Budget

So how exactly would you go about 'spending landscaping'? Obviously it will be a bit troublesome but with the right mentality and a couple of thoughts from an expert landscapers you will be able to beautiful your backyard or garden on a small budget. Small budget landscaping does not always mean you spend miserly and go for free stuff always. It means doing the best with what resources stand at your disposal. If your lawn or gardens aren't producing the desired results, it is the ideal opportunity for you to look for expert assistance. Eco Groundworks experienced landscape contractors, and experience the satisfaction of watching your spring Garden bloom.

Friday 6 May 2016

Affordable Hydroseeding and Erosion Control Services

Hydroseeding is commonly used to plant varieties of seed mixtures it is also a can be utilized to help with minor erosion control holding seed in place while the root system is established. Hydroseeding gives flexibility to any project requiring varieties of grasses and different seeds while at the same time being totally ecologically friendly. Hydroseeding is a cost effective grass planting process, Where we utilize a hydroseeding machine to spray a unique combination of ingredients onto the ground to  produce amazing results.